Agnishom Chattopadhyay


12 Kanda

2-3-12 Kanda Sudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

I am an engineer at Imiron, where we use formal methods to build tools which ascertain the safety of software or cyber-physical systems. Our work is in close collaboration with the ERATO-MMSD group, in the National Institute of Informatics, where I formerly served as a scientific programmer.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University in 2024, under the supervision of Konstantinos Mamouras. Prior to that, I graduated from Chennai Mathematical Institute with a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics in 2019.

My research interests include formal methods and programming languages. My thesis explores the Coq formalization of algorithms related to temporal logic and regular expressions. I am also intersted in the theoretical aspects of automata and logic.

You can find my CV here.

selected publications

  1. CPP
    Verified and Efficient Matching of Regular Expressions with Lookaround
    Chattopadhyay, Agnishom, Li, Angela W., and Mamouras, Konstantinos
    In Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs 2025
  2. RV
    A Verified Online Monitor for Metric Temporal Logic with Quantitative Semantics
    Chattopadhyay, Agnishom, and Mamouras, Konstantinos
    In RV 2020 2020
  3. LMCS
    Pumping lemmas for weighted automata
    Chattopadhyay, Agnishom, Mazowiecki, Filip, Muscholl, Anca, and Riveros, Cristian
    Logical Methods in Computer Science Jul 2021