Cell: +91-9903675222
Email: agnishom@cmi.ac.in
Bachelor of Science: Mathematics and Computer Science
Web Development with Haskell, Elm and related technologies
Mentor: Saurabh Nanda
Modification of a Symbolic Binary Analysis Engine
Mentor: Dr. Ansuman Banerjee
Writing problems, motivating community, developing courses
Among top 25 students of the city
Winter school on SAT and SMT solvers
Functional Programming Haskell Summer School
Achievement-focused mentoring camp for the most promising high school students
JB Centre of Excellence for Student-Scientists
Hosting Tutorials, Preparing Supplementary Notes, Creating Assignments
Community Involvement, Creating Assignments
Moderated Computer Science, Combinatorics and Calculus
Over 10,000 forum post
Worked on several recreational programming projects. See http://github.com/Agnishom/
Query Languages for Graph Structured Data
Mentor: M. Praveen
Mathematics: Algebra (Linear Algebra, Group Theory, Ring and Field Theory, Module Theory, Galois Theory), Probability Theory, Real Analysis, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Topology
Computer Science: Programming(Haskell and Python), Programming Language Concepts, Implementation of Functional Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Mathematical Logic, Proofs and Types, Software Verification with SMT Solvers, Logic-Automata-Games, Games on Graphs
Other: Classical Mechanics, English, Values Through Literature
Taken online courses in Cryptography, Mathematical Philosophy, Social Psychology, Microeconomics, Game Theory
Haskell, Python, C++
Paint.NET, Linux, Mathematica, Web Technologies
Communicating Ideas, Brainstorming