Cell: +91-9903675222
Email: agnishom@cmi.ac.in
Applying for Internship at Adobe Media and Data Science Research Team
Bachelor of Science: Mathematics and Computer Science
2016 - 2019
Python, Haskell, C++
Paint.NET, Linux, Mathematica, HTML/CSS
Communicating Ideas, Brainstorming
Writing problems, motivating community, developing topics
Modification of a Symbolic Binary Analysis Engine
Mentor: Dr. Ansuman Banerjee
Hosting Tutorials, Preparing Supplementary Notes, Creating Assignments
Community Involvement, Creating Assignments
Moderated Computer Science, Combinatorics and Calculus
Over 10,000 forum posts
JB Centre of Excellence for Student-Scientists
Achievement-focused mentoring camp for the most promising high school students
Among top 25 students of the city
Worked on several recreational programming projects. See http://github.com/Agnishom/