
  1. Acknowledgement
  2. Abstract
  3. Background
    1. Characteristics of a good fuel
    2. Poiseuille Equation
  4. Methodology
    1. Apparatus
      1. Ostwald Viscometer
      2. Pycnometer
    2. Procedure
      1. Measurement of Relative density
      2. Measurement of Time of Fall
  5. Results
    1. Observations
    2. Inference
  6. Limitations of the analysis
    1. Sources of Error
    2. Other Limitations
  7. References


I, name, take this opportunity to thank our principal, in-charge, chemistry|physics teacher and lab assistant who have provided us with proper guidance during the completion of our project.

I also thank my parents and group members for their coordination and support.


The analysis of flow is important from a fluid mechanical as well as from the application point of view. Specifically, the analysis of the flow of fuels could be important in the design of internal combustion engines.

In this project, we derive the Poiseuille law and compare the relative viscosities of common fuels using an Ostwald Viscometer.

Our findings show that gasoline has a considerably low viscosity.


Characteristics of a good fuel

A fuel is usually considered to be deemed “good” if it satisfies the following criteria

  1. The good fuel should have a high calorific value, i.e, a large (negative) enthalpy of combustion.
  2. A reasonable temperature of ignition is preferred. The fuel should neither ignite spontaneously or require an infeasibly high temperature for ignition.
  3. The products of combustion should not be polluting.
  4. The rate of combustion should be controllable.
  5. The users should be able to trigger and ideally, stop the combustion when required.
  6. The fuel should leave minimal byproducts behind.
  7. It should be economically feasible to extract the fuel.
  8. The fuel should be affordable to the common man.
  9. It should have low moisture content.
  10. It should be easy to handle, transport and store.

Additionally, it should be expected that an ideal fuel flows easily, i.e, has less viscosity. This is the expected behavior since a part of the energy produced is lost in providing kinetic energy to the fuel, which is something we want to minimize. Recent research supports that evidence.

Poiseuille Equation

The Poiseuille Equation relates the flow rate through a pipe with the associated pressure drop and viscosity of the fluid. It was discovered independently by Poiseuille and Hagen in the 19th century and has been successfully applied to many scenarios.


We make the standard assumptions of incompressibility, Newtonian and laminar flow. Furthermore, we assume that the flow rate is constant, i.e, there are no unbalanced forces acting on the fluid.

The definition of viscosity gives:

where is the coefficient of viscosity.

In this context, we consider a lamina of radius , and length :

The force arising from a pressure drop of :

Because we assumed the fluid to be at equilibrium,

We cross multiply and integrate in order to solve the differential equation.

To determine the constant, we use the no slip condition, which tells us that the flow at the walls is zero.

So, we have:

The principle of continuity tells us

where is the volumetric flow rate.

Substituting the expressions,

Evaluating the integral above gives us the Poiseuille Equation:



Ostwald Viscometer

The Ostwald Viscometer, named after the Russian-German chemist is one of the most common U-tube viscometers in laboratories.

One of the arms of the Ostwald viscometer consist of a bulb mounted on top of a precisely narrow capillary. When used, the fluid is drawn up to the mark in the bulb and allowed to flow. The time it takes to reach the lower mark is noted.

We rearrange Poiseuille’s formula as follows:

It is evident that , i.e, the pressure difference provided by the liquid columns.

Because the difference in the height of the liquid columns remain almost same, and all the other terms cancel out,

Using the standard viscosity and density of water, one could measure the viscosity of liquids with this apparatus.


The Pycnometer, or the specific gravity bottle is a small glass vessel with a close fitting stopper with a capillary that lets air bubbles escape.

The Pycnometer is first weighed when empty, then weighed with water and then a desired fluid.

The calculations involved is straightforward.


Measurement of Relative density

  1. The weight of the empty bottle is measured in a digital balance and noted down as .
  2. The bottle is filled with water and the weight is noted down as .
  3. For each of the four fuels, the bottle is carefully washed and the weight of them is noted down as
  4. The relative density () is calculated as

Measurement of Time of Fall

The following procedure is repeated for all the fuels:

  1. The viscometer is washed with acetone and clamped on a stand.
  2. 20 ml of the liquid is pipetted out and put in the broader arm of the viscometer.
  3. The liquid is drawn up to the mark on the narrow arm by suction.
  4. Using a stopwatch, the time required for the fluid level to fall to the lower mark is measured.



Fuel/Fluid Relative Density Time of Fall Relative Viscosity
Water 1 92s 1
Kerosene 0.79 198s 1.70
Biodiesel 0.88 565s 5.40
Diesel 0.84 340s 3.10
Gasoline 0.73 57s 0.45


The relative velocities of the fuels are in the following order:

Biodiesel > Diesel > Kerosene ( > Water) > Gasoline

It is interesting to note that gasoline has a surprisingly low viscosity.

Limitations of the Analysis

Sources of Error

Other Limitations


  1. Engineering Chemistry by A.K. Pahari, B.S. Chauhan